1 minute read

This is a quick powershell script to setup the remote syslog in all the hosts of a cluster or vCenter.

Script parameters

  • Mandatory
    • vCenter - vCenter FQDN/IP to connect too
    • vCenterUsername - vCenter Username to be used
    • vCenterPassword - corresponding password
    • RemoteSyslog - FQDN/IP of the syslog server to use
  • Optional
    • cluster - Cluster name if we want to change the hosts from a single cluster
    • syslogPort In case of using an alternative port, will use 514 as default

Similar to earlier posts the code is pretty simple, so we will focus in the relevant bits

  • List the current status
# Show current config
$vmHosts | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Host $_.Name
    Get-VMHostSysLogServer -VMHost $_
  • Set the remoteSyslog server in each ESXi
# Set syslog config in hypervisors
$vmHosts | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Host $_.Name
    Set-VMHostSysLogServer -SysLogServer $remoteSyslog":"$syslogPort -VMHost $_
  • Restart syslog and set the allow rules using Get-Esxcli
# Restart syslog and set the allow rules in the ESXi
$vmHosts | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Host $_.Name
    (Get-Esxcli -v2 -VMHost $_).system.syslog.reload.Invoke()
    (Get-Esxcli -v2 -VMHost $_).network.firewall.ruleset.set.Invoke(@{rulesetid='syslog'; enabled=$true})
    (Get-Esxcli -v2 -VMHost $_).network.firewall.refresh.Invoke()